Skilled Labor, Lower Taxes & How to Streamline Your Jewelry Business
Learn How Manufacturing Your Jewelry in Thailand Can Lower Your Costs and Benefit Your Jewelry Business. When you’re first starting out, it’s challenging to find a manufacturer that you can trust. If you’re looking for a new manufacturer after a…

How to Create your Cohesive Jewelry Collection
We Give You the Steps, You Implement We have all walked into that jewelry store with a bunch of random pieces of jewelry. There is a somatic experience when you walk into a place like that: it feels scattered, cheap,…

The Best Social Media Marketing Channels for Your Jewelry Business
…And how to use them Some businesses refrain from getting on social media, especially smaller businesses, because it can seem very time consuming. After all, with so many businesses prevalent on social media, how can your jewelry business stand out?…

St Patrick’s Day Jewelry Your Clients Will Love
In March we celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day, a holiday that many people associate with drinking heavily. But for those who are Irish, Saint Patrick’s day symbolizes their heritage, as Saint Patrick is the patron Catholic saint of Ireland. He was…

Precious Metals Demystified
Confused? We spell it out for you. To plate jewelry means covering one metal surface with a thin layer of the desired metal using electrolysis. The jeweler dips the piece that he is plating into a liquid form of the…

Why We Love Jewelry & Jewelry Retailers Should Too
13 Reasons For You To Buy Jewelry. From beautiful Cleopatra adorned in gold because of her royal status, to Marilyn Monroe singing about diamonds being a girl’s best friend, to Al Pacino’s diamond ring covered fingers, throughout history women and…